Root Canal Therapy
The makeup of all teeth is the same: a pulp chamber composed of nerves and blood vessels surrounded by the hard external shell called enamel. The enamel reaches into the gum line holding the teeth in place and protecting the roots of the teeth. However, many times due to injury or decay, the roots of the teeth become infected and must be treated. For years, the most commonly used method of treatment was to extract infected teeth. However, dentists learned that extracting teeth causes other issues that must be addressed. Thanks to dental advancements and knowledgeable dentists like Dr. Wayne Suway, root canal therapy can be used to treat and save infected teeth.
Root canal therapy is a common endodontic procedure used to remove infection and decay from the root of a tooth. It is important that his procedure not be put off because of the rapid manner in which infection can spread within the mouth. Root canal therapy is a relatively simple dental treatment done in the dentist’s office. A small hole is drilled into the crown of the tooth so that the dentist can reach the root. The pulp will then be removed and all infection cleaned from the canals of the tooth before a medicated filling will be put inside the tooth for thorough restoration. Root canal therapy is highly effective at saving a person’s tooth, and with proper care it the treated tooth can last for a lifetime.
If you have any symptoms that a tooth is infected (extreme sensitivity hot and/or cold, swelling or tenderness, a toothache, or an abscess), please call the office of Wayne G. Suway, DDS, MAGD today. The most effective treatment is root canal therapy done when symptoms first begin. Dr. Wayne Suway is well known in Vinings for being the trusted dentist who truly cares for his patient. Call today to schedule your appointment.
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Atlanta, GA 30339
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FAX: (770) 953-6470
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