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Crowns & Bridges

Dr. Wayne SuwayWhen a damaged tooth goes beyond the repair of a filling, a dental crown or bridge may be necessary. Dr. Wayne G. Suway may recommend one of these restorative options if you have a decayed, weak, broken, or missing tooth. With over 30 years of experience in Restorative Dentistry, he has placed thousands of dental crowns and bridges to improve and strengthen patients’ smiles. If you are in need of a crown or bridge, Dr. Suway will work closely with you to ultimately choose the best option for your smile.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns, also known as caps, fully cover the visible portion of a tooth to protect and strengthen it. Typically, a tooth that is decayed, cracked, misaligned, or broken down by large fillings would benefit from a crown. By completely covering the tooth with a dental crown, Dr. Suway is able to help prevent further damage from occurring.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Once crowns have been established as the best solution for your dental needs, you will receive custom-made caps to promote a lifetime of dental health. The following are key benefits dental crowns can offer:

graphic of dental crownYou may need a crown because of:

  • Eliminate pain from damaged teeth
  • Protect and strengthen weak teeth
  • Correct an uneven bite
  • Produce natural-looking results
  • Achieve a permanent solution

Dr. Suway strives to provide dental solutions that look and feel like your natural teeth. By covering or replacing your damaged teeth, he is able to restore the health of your smile with beautiful results.

Dental Bridges

For patients with missing teeth, Dr. Suway offers dental bridges to close the gap. With bridges, an artificial tooth can be fused to two or more supporting porcelain crowns to fill the empty space. When you are missing even one tooth, the rest of your teeth can shift which can alter the contour of your face, promote tooth decay, and cause pain from a misaligned bite. To prevent these resulting dental problems, it is crucial to fill the gap of missing teeth, and bridges are an effective way of doing so.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

doctor during jaw reconstructionBy filling the space of a missing tooth, many future dental problems can be avoided. Dental bridges can offer the following benefits:

  • Support for adjacent teeth
  • Preservation of gum tissue
  • Retention of natural face contour
  • A natural look and feel
  • Durability when biting or chewing

Ultimately, dental bridges are an effective way to fill the spaces left by missing teeth and can prove to be a great alternative to more invasive dental procedures.

The Dental Bridge Treatment

Our dentist custom designs all dental bridges to provide patients with the best fit. To begin the treatment, you will receive digital x-rays, impressions, and photographs of the area. From there Dr. Suway is able to prepare your teeth for your bridges and create temporaries for you to wear while the final bridges are being crafted at an outside lab. Once your final product is ready, Dr. Suway will replace your temporary bridges with the permanent ones. Following the procedure, you can experience the functionality and look of natural teeth.

Why Choose Dr. Suway for My Crowns & Bridges?

Dr. Suway has helped hundreds of patients restore their healthy smiles. Some have even described him as being a “perfectionist,” as he addresses every detail and personalizes every treatment to the patient’s needs. In the end, he will work closely with you to provide a smile that you are excited to show off!

Contact Dr. Wayne Suway

If you would like to learn more about dental crowns and bridges, or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Suway, please contact our Crowns & Bridges Dentist today!